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[eat] Strawberry picking!

Yup, you heard it right. Straaawwberriiies!
Maybe I am a little over enthusiastic, but whats better then picking your own strawberries from a field, and later picking at the mosquito bites you acquired from said fields (the price to pay..). Piled into the car with my maman and sister we drove maybe 20 minutes outside Montreal. My mom grew up in the country, with acres and acres of land. She filled up a basket in the time it took the other two city strung daughters to fill one(and poorly at that).

photos courtesy of stolen from sister's facebook.

She's in her element.

You can eat as many berries as you want while you're out there.. No surprise I went with the "one for the basket, one for me, one for the basket, one for me.." logic.

Half the batch made into jam.

1 comment:

Alan Li said...

strawwwberrriesss mhmmm ;)