for more/newer/streamlined(?) posts.

random anecdotes and pictures can still be found here from time to time.


no longer in my Power

fully conscious that as I write this my reading base comprises of a total of two people, the occasional other one or two, and perhaps a lost browser. What am I even doiiiing?

Let this be a lesson to all of you young-ins, giving in to peer pressure is at times inevitable. Especially if they insist on giving you free food. You pretty much become like their slave. Slave make you think of having to wash other people's dishes and scrub the floors, or maybe row some boats with spatulas or something. But their sadism is on a whole other level. "Create content. We want to read." they remark, "You eat salad. Write stuff. We want to read." they chant. And when you think about fighting it, and escaping from their scrawl-demanding pressure, they taunt you with cute pictures of their cat. Its ridiculous, it's underwhelming, overwhelming. But the bottom line is the blog is resurfacing.

Don't judge. You'll see, one day, you will fall into the same trap. Those exploiters are everywhere. Perhaps you will have children, and they will demand love in return of eating your food. You lose double in that case. You just wait until you find seemingly nice people that encourage you and believe in your potential, and see how turning the cold shoulder and breaking free of the friendly embrace can be so so difficult.

Until then, you cannot judge me nor my past free meals.